First Year Student Orientation
Pre-Registration Checklist
- Register for an Orientation Session
- Confirm Your Math Placement
- Confirm Your English Placement
- Submit Your College Credit
- Review Your Student Profile
- Confirm your Fall 2024 Schedule
- Computer Requirement
- Enginuity Hall
- Stay Connected
After you read the following contents of this webpage, if you have additional questions, you can email us at bcoeadvising@engr.ucr.edu by following these instructions:
- Send the email from your UCR email account.
- Use the subject line: First Name + Last Name + Orientation (ex: John Doe Orientation).
- Along with your questions, please include your 9-digit Student Identification (SID) number in the body of the email (86-------).
How to Register in Classes for Fall 2024
How to register for fall 2024: Registering for Classes | Office of the Registrar | UCR
Start registering for classes at your initial enrollment appointment time/time ticket *. See the academic calendar to find out when you can see your appointment time via R’Web or view instructions here. You may register during initial and makeup enrollment. During initial enrollment, undergraduate students may register for a maximum of 17 units. During makeup enrollment, the maximum for undergraduate students is increased according to the college in which you belong at the start of 2nd pass. See the academic calendar for all registration phases to include the timing of when 2nd pass begins.
R’Web is normally available 24/7 except for occasional maintenance periods. Please note staff support is not available during non-business hours.
Register for an Orientation Session
Register here: https://orientation.ucr.edu/
This year, Highlander Orientation 2024 will offer a combination of in person and virtual Orientation dates. BCOE will participate in five in-person sessions and two virtual sessions. We will welcome you to UCR for a traditional two-day campus experience. Highlander orientation is mandatory for incoming BCOE students.
- Session 1 - July 8-9
- Session 2 (Virtual)- July 11-12
- Session 3 - July 15-16
- Session 5- July 22-23
- Session 6 - July 25-26
- Session 9 Aug 5-6
- Session 12 (Virtual)- Aug 15-16
Confirm Your Math Placement
Confirm Your Math Placement
BCOE strongly encourages all incoming first-year students to take the Mathematics Advisory Exam (MAE) regardless of your expected AP results.
To ensure all student can successfully register to required Engineering courses, we recommend submitting any placement scores or the MAE exam by July 1st
The MAE is an online placement test to place first year students into an appropriate entry-level Mathematics course. Taking the MAE provides BCOE with the necessary placement information to create your Fall 2024 schedule, especially if your AP exam scores arrive after your Highlander Orientation session. It is also possible your exam score will not impact your Fall 2024 schedule. For example, a score of 2 on the AP Calculus BC exam will not help you with math placement.
Here is the webpage with more information on the Mathematics Advisory Exam:
You do not have to take the MAE if you earned one of the following exam scores:
Math Placement
Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus (AB) Exam
MATH 005
Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus (AB) Exam
3, 4, 5
Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus (BC) Exam
Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus (BC) Exam
4, 5
International Baccalaureate (IB) Mathematics Exam
5, 6, 7
BCOE will honor the highest placement results. If you receive your test scores after your orientation session and those scores impact your Fall 2024 schedule, please let us know and we can help you adjust your schedule. The instructions for email advising are at the top of this webpage.
If you have transferable college credit at the Pre-Calculus (Math 5 at UCR) level or higher from an accredited institution of higher education, please visit assist.org to verify how your Mathematics course transfers to UCR from a California Community College. You should also make sure to submit an official transcript with this college credit to Admissions.
- Please make sure your AP scores are sent to UCR. Please visit https://www.collegeboard.org/ for more information.
- Failure to confirm your math placement may prevent you from registering for a math course during your Orientation session.
- Students can only register for a math course with an MAE score, AP Calculus credit, IB Mathematics credit, or transferrable Math college credit.
- You will need documentation of this credit to register for the appropriate mathematics course.
Confirm Your English Placement
Confirm Your English Placement
The Entry-Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) is a University of California reading and writing proficiency requirement that all first-year students must satisfy. The ELWR must be satisfied either before beginning courses at UCR or during the first year of enrollment. You can satisfy the Entry-Level Writing Requirement by earning qualifying test scores and grades or passing the Analytical Writing Placement Exam (AWPE).
If you have not already satisfied the ELWR by submitting your official documentation that clears the requirement to UCR Admissions, BCOE strongly encourages all incoming freshmen to take the Analytical Writing Placement Exam (AWPE) regardless of your expected AP results.
Taking the AWPE provides BCOE with the necessary placement information to create your Fall 2024 schedule if your AP exam scores arrive after your Highlander Orientation session. It is also possible that your exam score may not impact your Fall 2024 schedule.
BCOE will honor the highest placement results. If you receive your test scores after your orientation session and those scores impact your fall 2023 schedule, please contact BCOE for help in adjusting your schedule. You will receive more information on this process during your Orientation session.
For more information on the ELWR and the AWPE, please visit https://uwp.ucr.edu/elwr
- We strongly encourage you to make sure your AP scores are sent to UCR.
- Failure to confirm your English placement may prevent you from registering for an English course during your Orientation session.
The following exam scores may impact your Fall 2024 schedule:
AP Examination
Minimum Score
English (Language/Composition)
English (Language/Composition)
ENGL 001A, ENGL 001B
English (Literature/Composition)
English (Literature/Composition)
ENGL 001A, ENGL 001B
If you completed an English Composition Course at another college/university, please visit assist.org to verify how your English Composition course(s) will transfer to UCR. You should also make sure to submit an official transcript with this college credit to Admissions.
Submit Your College Credit
Some of you will come to UCR with college credit, including:
- Advanced Placement (AP) credit – Please work with College Board (https://www.collegeboard.org/) to make sure your AP scores are sent to UCR before your orientation session.
- International Baccalaureate (IB) credit – Please work with the International Baccalaureate (https://www.ibo.org/) to make sure your exam scores are sent to UCR before your orientation session.
- Transferrable credit from another college/university – Please make sure you send official transcripts to UCR before your orientation session. https://admissions.ucr.edu/myucr#where_do_i_send_my_transcriptsdocuments
Please make sure you submit all of your standardized testing scores (AP, IB, etc.) and final transcripts from your high school or former educational institutions before your orientation session. For credit that impacts your Fall 2024 schedule, we will need documentation of this credit to help you with registration.
Review Your Student Profile
In order to have a smooth registration experience, please make sure you review the placement information and exam credit posted on your Student Profile in R’Web.
To view placement results and exam credit on your Student Profile:
- Log into your R'Web account (rweb.ucr.edu)
- Select "Student Profile"-->"Prior Education and Testing".
You will be able to view your MAE results, AWPE results, and AP exam credit. If you have college credit from another college/university, you can review your “Unofficial Transcript” in Student Profile.
Confirm Your Fall 2024 Schedule
Note: Students with Higher Math placement have credit for MATH 009A, MATH 009B and MATH 009C.
This webpage will help you use R'Web to register for your Fall 2024 courses:
Computer Requirement
Please review this webpage for all the details related to the college’s laptop requirement:
Enginuity Hall
Enginuity Hall is a living-learning community (LLC) designed for students in the Bourns College of Engineering. To learn more about Enginuity Hall, please visit this webpage:
To request an LLC, be sure to select the community you're interested in when you submit your Residence Hall Contract in the MyHousing portal (myhousing.ucr.edu).
If you have any questions or concerns regarding access to the MyHousing portal, please email housinginfo@ucr.edu.
Stay Connected
Email is the primary way we will reach out to you with important information and requests to help you transition to the Marlan and Rosemary Bourns College of Engineering. Please continue to check your R’Mail account for all updates!